"'It's fresh. It's not the ‘Little Women’ you grew up with, but it takes those characters and feels like it brings them into the present,' said Noel VanDenBosch, 29, of Iowa City, who plays Beth March and neighbor boy Laurie. 'You're not bogged down by period and drama — there's much light in it. It's all about the sisters’ relationship.'" Feature in The Gazette
"This story, one that is familiar but presented in a fully new way... As the audience sees the traumas that unfold in the sisters’ lives, the grief is sometimes devastating... When they gather for happy times, like Meg’s wedding, she asks for hugs saying she “wants great many crumples of that sort in her dress” and I am reminded of the hugs I have been having the pleasure of receiving lately, after so long. As Jo realizes her stories of adventure and whim are not the only beauty that needs to be recorded for an audience, I’m reminded that life is not pretty sometimes. Reality is messy, life is sometimes devastating and vile, but it is living." Review in Little Village